Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Cosmic Connections.

The sound of forever will always taste a little funny in your mouth after said by the right person at the wrong time.
Tell me something, why do you want your twin flame connection make so badly?
Do you at all
 know what you are asking for?

She wants to fall head first into the clouds, out of the clouds- straight down into the ocean of you,
set a blaze.

He wants to run.
As fast as he can because the challenge of the wind pushing him back as he strives to leave it all behind is the perfect task, fitting for him to find his self worth.

Neither your part or the others is the reason it couldn't be; yet also neither the reason you could be
and at the same time,
 it is.
How simple was it?
To envision that life long worth while.
The runner and the chaser.
Lover and leaver.
Dancer and singer.
Together at once, at last.
Somehow we just
 compliment each other so well.

A little too well.