There's moments in life when it's time to allow things to disintegrate.
Slowly, allow your leaves to fall.
With the New Moon, comes a new phase of you, As natural as it may be to fight this, don't.
There are vision's you see of your future self that up until recently, felt impossible and out of reach. Do not fight the flow of all unfolding right now. Open yourself to the idea of being the version of the being you have envisioned and aspired to be. Breathe in deeply and exhale firmly. It's time to turn in wards and ask yourself,
"Who am I, truly?"
Let yourself grow.
Trust that it really does not matter if people dislike who you are when you're pushed to the limit.
Did they care to respect you when you were vividly stating that you didn't have the time or energy?
Did they care to see their action's before your reactions?
I do not care how people try to mislead or invalidate this but, expect that people will lose their cool with you if you keep pushing, that is only human and yes, we too create the problems that unfold.
If you feel attacked by a reaction it is because you were blind to your own antagonizing tendencies. Not everyone has to put up with you. Not everyone will care to tip toe around it.
Many people believe themselves to be soft, sweet and docile; Accepting,and the most powerful
and cannot or do not see the parts of themselves that are ignored by themselves. These areas are ugly, harsh, self-pitying, weak and mean; and they exist in all of us. It's about how we handle it mentally.
Not everyone is a competition. Holding your presence in their life so high that you don't notice what makes them, themselves creates a toxic god complex. Let go and listen.
So, how do you self love?
It's not possible to be one set way your entire life. The time of change comes frequently and it all depends on how you can keep up and how you love yourself.
Healing is messy.
Healing is dark, cold and warm.
It's possible to have set morals.
Listen and respect others when they say enough is enough, especially when they leave the door open for you to walk out.
There are evolved version's of each of our zodiacs and there are un-evolved versions which are you?
I'll give you a hint:
Remaining a victim of circumstance, no matter the circumstance, keeps you in certain situations and positions.
You have a knack for being the toughest right? So then,
own up to the harsh aspects of growth.
The process might feel toxic at first, but this is because you know no difference yet between anxiety, intuition, and manifestation.
ALLOW yourself to give into change. Allow your pride to disintegrate. Allow things like self pity, self victimization, self hate, and procrastination to run out. Now is not the time to hold onto the part's of your innerchild that keep you self-loathing and hiding away from all the possibilities coming your way.
If you don't like the environment you're in, allow your self to step into the new ideas, goals and creative project's that ignite your souls being.
Heathen or not. We are all the same.
Break your own chains.