Accepting the call to magick can be tricky.
Owning up to how we too play a role in creating our own reality can be scary and/ or intimidating.
everywhere this new wave coming in of starseeds, witches, and magickal
being's are believing that spiritual gaslighting is a thing.
So, let's begin.
been a witch since I was a born, in lives before this one and will
probably be here in many lives after, raised by my 91 year old great
grandmother with all the womben on her side of the family who carry
similar abilities(as well as opinions).
My blessing was that my fathers side has similarities. The best form of magick is the art of repairing ones sacred DNA.
reoccurring form of magick is the craft of affirming our own realities.
This comes off as gas lighting to many new and coming in/ learning to
transmit messages. As humans, we all Interpret things differently so,
let's dig deep.
By the time most people hit the age of ten,
something traumatic has happened and as we age it often goes
neglected.Because growing up means going through phases.
Some nights healing will require "positive vibes only"
And other night's healing will require the stillness of the pain.
Learn how to listen to, decipher and depict your OWN soul.